James instigated the formation of a small racing syndicate originally called Treoes Racing Club, after a few drinks in the local village pub close to where he and Jonathan Phillips both lived. This syndicate enjoyed a winner with it’s very first runner and ran very successfully, before merging with Oceans racing a few years ago.

The merger resulted in the new team being able to offer better quality horses to its owners which has proved a real success.  James has taken on the unenviable but vital role of running the financial side for all the individual partnerships and ensures the administrative responsibilities of Oceans Racing remain fulfilled by constantly liaising with Weatherbys and the BHA.

A qualified chartered surveyor and partner in a local Surveyors and Estate Agents , his racing interest developed during his time at Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, when the Arkle Bar at Cheltenham racecourse was always a regular destination!

Contact James on his mobile 07912 481408 or to email him click here

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